The Ultimate Guide to Hosting Your Own Tween Summit

for girls empowerment leaders Oct 03, 2023

Tweens, those magical beings that float between childhood and the teen years, are undergoing some of the most transformative years of their lives. As they navigate the delicate waters of self-discovery, social complexities, and emotional growth, they benefit immensely from structured, nurturing environments that understand and cater to their unique needs.

Hosting a Tween Summit is a fantastic opportunity to provide that environment. If you've been considering hosting a summit for tweens but aren't sure where to begin, we've got you covered. Here's your ultimate guide. And if you want a complete done for you Tween Summit Kit so you can run a profitable Tween Summit in your community, check out our Empowerment Kits here!

Why Host a Tween Summit?

Before we delve into the 'how,' it's crucial to understand the 'why.' A Tween Summit is not just another event; it's a transformative experience. It provides tweens with the tools, skills, and confidence they need to navigate their formative years, and offers them a safe space to share, learn, and grow.

Set Clear Objectives

What do you want the tweens to gain from the summit? Is it increased self-confidence? Improved interpersonal skills? Knowledge about the physical and emotional changes they're undergoing? Setting clear objectives will guide your planning process and ensure the summit is impactful.

Choose a Theme

Having a theme gives direction to your event. Whether it's 'Discovering Your Inner Power,' 'Navigating the Tween Years with Confidence,' or 'Building Healthy Relationships,' a theme will provide coherence to the summit and resonate with both the tweens attending and their parents or guardians.

Location, Location, Location

Choose a venue that's accessible, safe, and provides a comfortable space for both group activities and introspective sessions. Whether it's a community center, a school hall, or even an outdoor setting, make sure the venue aligns with the summit's objectives and theme.

Design Engaging Workshops

This is where the real magic happens. With topics ranging from goal setting to fostering positive relationships, ensure the workshops are interactive, relatable, and, most importantly, fun! Don't forget to integrate icebreakers and team-building activities.

Invite Guest Speakers

Having experts or inspirational figures speak at the summit can provide invaluable insights. They bring experience, knowledge, and often, captivating stories that can motivate and inspire the tweens.

Market Your Summit

Whether it's through school newsletters, social media platforms, or community bulletin boards, get the word out about your summit. Highlight its unique selling points and the benefits for the tweens attending.

Ensure Safety and Well-being

Ensure there are qualified first aid personnel present and that all activities are safe. Emotional safety is just as crucial: ensure facilitators are trained to handle sensitive discussions and provide a judgment-free environment.

Foster Continuous Engagement

The summit shouldn't end when the tweens leave the venue. Engage them post-event through online platforms, follow-up workshops, or mentoring sessions. This ensures the lessons they learn are implemented and integrated into their daily lives.

Gather Feedback

This is vital for continuous improvement. Collect feedback from both the tweens and their parents or guardians to learn what went well and where there's room for improvement.


Ready to Host Your Own Tween Summit?

Embarking on the journey of organizing and hosting a Tween Summit might seem daunting, but you're not alone in this endeavor. We've made it easier for you with our comprehensive Tween Summit Kit.

Whether you're a seasoned event planner or this is your first foray into the world of summits, our kit provides everything you need to craft a memorable, impactful experience for tweens. From structured lesson plans to marketing materials and beyond, we've poured our expertise and passion into this resource, ensuring you have a blueprint to guide you every step of the way.

Don't reinvent the wheel; instead, lean on a tried-and-tested framework that promises not just a successful event, but a transformative experience for all attendees. Dive into the Tween Summit Kit today and make your vision for a powerful tween-centric summit a reality!



And don't forget to grab your FREE Girl World 101 Workshop Kit! ⤵



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