Tips for Talking with Your Tween Daughter + Conversation Starters!

for parents Jun 05, 2023

The tween years are a significant time in a girl's life. As she transitions from childhood into adolescence, she begins to navigate more complex emotional, social, and physical changes. During this period, effective communication with your tween daughter is crucial to maintain a strong relationship, support her development, and help her navigate this often challenging stage.

Here are some strategies to unlock effective communication with your tween daughter:

1. Foster an Open Environment: Ensure your daughter knows she can talk to you about anything, from her day at school to more sensitive topics like puberty and relationships. Reiterate that no topic is off-limits and that you're there to provide guidance and support.

2. Be an Active Listener: When your daughter talks to you, focus on listening, not just hearing. Show interest, ask follow-up questions, and reflect on what she's saying. Avoid interrupting or offering unsolicited advice. This active listening conveys respect for her feelings and opinions.

3. Validate Her Feelings: Validation is crucial in effective communication. Recognize and affirm her feelings, even if you don't fully understand them. This reassures her that her feelings are important and normal, which can encourage her to share more openly in the future.

4. Use 'I' Statements: 'I' statements express your feelings without blaming or criticizing. Instead of saying, "You're too sensitive," say, "I feel worried when I see you upset." This approach communicates your concern without making her defensive.

5. Practice Empathy: Put yourself in your daughter's shoes to better understand her perspective. Even if you don't agree with her, expressing empathy can make her feel understood and validated.

6. Encourage Non-Verbal Communication: Not all communication is verbal. Encourage your daughter to express herself through art, writing, or other creative outlets. This can be particularly helpful if she finds it hard to articulate her feelings.

7. Avoid Lecture Mode: Tweens are likely to tune out if they feel they're being lectured. Instead, engage in a two-way conversation. Ask open-ended questions, share your experiences, and invite her to do the same.

8. Be Patient: Don't pressure her to talk if she's not ready. Let her know you're available when she's ready to share. Sometimes, patience is the key to open the communication lines.

9. Respect Her Privacy: As she grows, your daughter will desire more privacy. Respect this need while ensuring she knows you're there for her.

10. Lead by Example: Model the kind of communication behavior you want to see. Be honest, respectful, and open in your communication, not just with her, but with others as well.

Effective communication with your tween daughter can foster a deeper understanding and a stronger bond. To facilitate meaningful conversations, here are 10 conversation starters you can use:

  1. "Tell me about the best part of your day today."
  2. "If you could change one thing about school, what would it be and why?"
  3. "What qualities do you value most in your friendships?"
  4. "What's your biggest worry right now, and how can I support you?"
  5. "Tell me about a time when you felt really proud of yourself."
  6. "Who do you look up to and why?"
  7. "What would you do if you saw a friend being bullied?"
  8. "How do you handle it when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed?"
  9. "What are some things you wish others knew about you?"
  10. "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?"

Communicating effectively with your tween daughter may feel daunting, especially during this dynamic phase of growth. However, by nurturing a safe, open, and empathetic environment, you can help her navigate these pivotal years while strengthening your relationship.

Remember, every girl is beautifully unique. What works for one may not work for another. Keep the lines of communication open, be patient, and remember that building a strong connection doesn't happen overnight. It's a journey filled with learning, patience, love, and lots of deep conversations!



Want more tips and strategies to navigate the tween years with your daughter? 

Let me introduce you to the FearlesslyTween Academy: A one-of-a-kind online course designed for Mom's & daughter's to work through together to help prepare both of you for the ups and downs of Girl World and give you both the skills and confidence to successfully navigate the tween years & beyond.

You and your daughter will learn valuable skills to help increase communication, boost confidence and body image, deal with girl drama, and work together to come up with creative solutions to Girl World problems. Perfect for girls 9-12 and their fearless Moms!


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