10 Additional Fun & Engaging Empowerment Activities For Girls!

for educators for girls empowerment leaders Oct 03, 2023

Welcome back to our most popular blog series, all about our top empowerment activities for girls, perfect for classrooms, clubs, after school programs, mentorship programs and more!

And if you've been with us on this empowering journey, you know the impact a little inspiration and the right activities can have on our girls. The journey of empowerment is endless and filled with numerous lessons and memories. So, without further ado, let's explore 10 MORE empowerment activities to nurture the fearless spirit in every girl!

 (Here's Part 1 and Part 2 in case you missed it!)

  1. DIY Empowerment Tees: Using fabric paint or markers, let the girls design their t-shirts with empowering slogans, personal mantras, or artwork. Wearing their heart on their sleeves – literally – can be a huge confidence booster.
  2. Global Girlhood: Introduce them to stories of girls from around the world. Understand their struggles, successes, and cultures. This not only broadens their perspective but also shows them the power of sisterhood globally.
  3. Dream MuralCreate a community mural where each girl contributes a piece of artwork symbolizing her strength, dreams, and aspirations. Over time, this will serve as a testament to their combined journey of empowerment.
  4. Virtual Empowerment Summit: With the digital world at our fingertips, why not host an online empowerment summit? Bring in influential women speakers, organize interactive sessions, and allow girls to ask questions and share their thoughts. 
  5. Champion Challenges: Set monthly challenges – from reading challenges to physical ones – to help them push their limits. Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small.
  6. Future Me Letters: Have each girl write a letter to her future self, highlighting her current dreams, strengths, and aspirations. Seal these letters in envelopes to be opened a few years down the line.
  7. Kindness Campaign: Organize a campaign where girls perform random acts of kindness in their community. It could be as simple as leaving empowering notes in public places or volunteering their time.
  8. Digital Detox Day: Encourage a day without screens. Use this time for self-reflection, outdoor activities, or crafts. It's a gentle reminder that while the digital world is powerful, real-world experiences are invaluable.
  9. Ancestry Exploration: Encourage the girls to delve into their family trees and find powerful women from their lineage. They can then present their stories, drawing inspiration from their own roots.
  10. Crafting Empowerment Badges: Just like scout badges, but focused on empowerment. For every new skill learned or challenge overcome, the girls get to make and wear a badge.

Empowerment is not a destination but an ongoing journey of self-discovery, growth, and impact. Through these activities and many more, we can equip our girls with the tools they need to not only navigate but also thrive in the world. Let's continue to stand by them, guiding, supporting, and celebrating every step they take.

With hopes for a brighter and more empowered future,



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